Dec 5 – 9, 2023
Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics
Asia/Kolkata timezone

Scientific Program

Topics to be covered in Pre-School

  1. Introduction to Scientific Computing and computing

  2. Essential C++, Object-Oriented programming in C++,
    Generic Programming in C++ and the Standard Template
    Library (STL), Modern C++ (C++11 onwards).

  3. Elementary Python, Python Data Structure, Functional,
    Programming with Python, Python Modules, Object
    Oriented Python.

  4. Basic concepts of handling Root Files and Input/Output,
    Math Libraries, Histograms, Graphs, Tree based analysis,
    Basics of RooFit, Introduction to PyROOT/UpRoot.

  5. Random Number Generator.

  6. Git commands, software installation, etc.

Topics to be covered in Main School

  1. A few pedagogical lectures on High energy Physics and
    Astroparticle Physics.

  2. Statistical Methods for Data Analysis.

  3. Introduction to Machine Learning Algorithms.

  4. Hands-on Sessions on data analysis of simple problems
    in High Energy Physics and Astroparticle Physics.